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Top 5 winter skin care tips for men


Winter can make our skin vulnerable and prone to drying and flaking and even itchy. If there is one season where our skin care routine should be kicked up a notch, It should be during winter. The cold, dry air can take a toll on our skin if we don't take proper care of it. Taking care of your skin is vital, and your skin will thank you many years to come.

Here are some important tips to consider when it comes to winter skin care.

SKIN CARE/EXFOLIATE It's imperative to identify your skin type to care properly for it. Skin types are categorized as oily/acne prone, dry skin, combination skin, sensitive skin and normal skin. Knowing the kind of skin you have makes it easy to care for it by using the right products. 
Exfoliating is also important but often neglected. Exfoliate three times a week to buff off old dead skin to reveal younger, glowing skin. For products or ingredients to use for your skin type READ HERE.  

MOISTURIZE Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, I can't stress this enough; your skin will thank you years to come. Our skin needs ample moisture, especially during the winter season. The skin can be drying and prone to flaking if we don't moisturize properly. The benefits of moisturizing include keeping the skin hydrated, younger looking skin, protecting the skin of harmful environmental toxins, skin elasticity.  
Most importantly, don't forget to use sunscreen even on those gloomy, cloudy days. Sunscreen is vital because it protects your skin from the harmful sun rays that cause skin cancer and also premature aging. SPF 30 and up is best. 

SHAVE Best to shave after a hot shower or apply hot washcloth on your face for a few minutes to open up your pores. Massage shaving cream onto your skin, shave accordingly and rinse off razor after every stroke. After shaving, apply your favorite aftershave to help soothe and calm your skin.

KEEP HYDRATED Drinking water is vital during the winter months. The dry air outside, cranking up the heat in the office and at home make it easy for our body to lose moisture. Therefore, drinking lots and lots of water is very necessary so that the body can replenish the lost moisture. If water taste to bland for you, you can add fruits or herbs such as lemon, strawberry, mint, parsley to give added flavor to the water. 

COVER UP Dress warm. It's as simple as that lol. Throw on your scarves, gloves, beanies/hats before you step out. Dress in layers to keep warm and toasty. 

Following these easy steps will keep you looking and feeling fresh and young as we anticipate the warmer weather. 

What is your number one skin care tip in the winter? Share in the comment section.
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Happy Styling,

Top 5 winter skin care tips for men Top 5 winter skin care tips for men Reviewed by Unknown on 1:49 PM Rating: 5

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