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7 best oils for natural hair


I had been using hair oils long before I went natural. I had my hair relaxed for ten years, but I realized my hair would not grow past my shoulder. One day on a whim, I decided to do the big chop by cutting all the relaxed part of my hair; I can say it is the most liberating and spontaneous thing I have ever done in my life.

I am in love with my hair in its natural state. I am getting to know my hair as it grows, with all its kinks and coils. Oils that I am using for my hair are Argan oil and Sweet almond oil.

Here are some excellent oils for natural hair

ARGAN OIL Often called "liquid gold," Argan oil is derived from the kernel of the Argan tree which can be found in Morroco. Argan oil is one of my favorite oils to use on my beautiful natural hair. Argan oil is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E. It is also packed with antioxidants, omega-6  fatty acids and Linoleic acid. Argan oil conditions the hair makes hair softer, silkier and shinier. It also helps to treat split ends and tame frizzy hair.

COCONUT OIL Coconut oil is derived from the mature coconut kernel or "meat". Coconut oil contains Lauric acid it is also antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and has antioxidant properties. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth, fights against problems such as lice and dandruff. Coconut oil adds shine, luster and softness to the hair. Coconut oil is used as a hot oil treatment and left on the hair overnight; it helps repair hair breakage and stops split ends. For more uses of coconut oil READ HERE.

SWEET ALMOND OIL This is my current favorite oil. It is light and penetrates easily into my low porosity hair follicles. The almond nut is native to the Middle East and South Asia. Almond oil is rich in protein, Vitamin A, B, and E. Almond oil promotes shiny hair, fights breakage, stimulates hair growth.

JOJOBA OIL Jojoba oil is derived from the Jojoba plant that is found in the State of Arizona, Mexico, and California. One surprising fact about the Jojoba oil is that it is similar to Sebum. Jojoba oil helps in  cleansing the scalp, conditioning the hair, for hair growth, as a sealant.

AVOCADO OIL Avocado oil is excellent for moisturizing dry, brittle hair. It is light weight oil, and it is quickly absorbed into the hair follicle and scalp. Avocado oil contains  Vitamin A, B, D, E Amino acid, protein, folic acid. Benefits of Avocado oil for hair include hair growth, growing the edges of the hair, moisturizing and preventing hair breakage.

SHEA BUTTER Shea butter is an ingredient that we see in a lot of hair and beauty products. It is native to
Africa and derived from the nut of the Shea tree. Shea butter contains Oleic Acid, Stearic acids, Linoleic acid. Shea butter melts at body temperature, so before you apply it to your hair, rub a small amount in between your palms. Shea butter helps to moisturize dry, brittle hair; it also serves as a hair conditioner.

CASTOR OIL Castor oil is extracted from the Castor seed. Castor oil contains fatty acids such as Ricinoleic acid, Linoleic acid, Oleic acid. You can massage a small amount of Castor oil into hair and scalp to stimulate hair growth. Castor oil is amazing in treating thinning hair, dandruff, split ends, serves as a moisturizer and hair conditioner.

What is your favorite oil to use? Tell us in the comment section.

Happy Styling,

7 best oils for natural hair 7 best oils for natural hair Reviewed by Unknown on 11:03 AM Rating: 5

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