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How to sleep beauty tips

How to be beautiful 10 beauty tips and tricks to improve their appearance

Beauty Tip # 1 – If you have spotted nails – yellowish in color – can be compromised seriously ill and confidence in public places. You can make things better by washing with a sponge, a sponge or cloth that liquid has been soaked with white wine vinegar is absorbed. Soak your nails and toenails in white wine vinegar, then rub gently with the cloth.

Beauty Tip # 2 – Do you want a natural way to have beautiful skin that turns heads and attract attention? Exfoliating is very important. Exfoliate your skin regularly to remove any dirt that is exposed to every day.

Beauty Tip # 3 – It is believed that aging gracefully is part of the beauty. Beauty experts recommend dressing for her age. It is forty, do not force yourself to look like he was in his twenties. Enhance their own beauty to look good in their own age. Accept who you are and have the skin of your dreams without a fight.

Beauty Tip # 4 – If you wake up one morning and look in the mirror and overly pale skin that can be caused by iron deficiency shows. Take an iron supplement every day or you can eat a spoonful of manuka honey rich in iron. This will improve your appearance, make you healthier and give your skin a natural glow.

Beauty Tip # 5 – If you want a cheap, spa-like face, can only rely on himself in a bowl of boiling water. Cover your hair or wrap hair, get a bowl and fill with boiling water and let the steam open and cleanse pores. Then use cold water to close the pores and cool, then add a moisturizer.

Beauty Tip # 6 – A lot of women who love the brightness of red lipstick, but I hate how it looks when smeared, if you’re like most women who love the glitz and hate the smear, then keep some makeup remover hand. If you experience the smear occurs, clean the stain with a ball of tissue or cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

Beauty Tip # 7 – Beauty coaches suggest that if you want to hide blemishes and spots on the face, there are two ways you can do that. The first has to do with the implementation of corrective care for the area you want to mask with a cosmetic brush. The second trick is distraction. Use a warm, pink lipstick because it will draw people’s attention away from any imperfections or blemishes to hide.

Beauty Tip # 8 – For a natural beauty and beautiful facial appearance, do everything possible to increase blood flow and circulation to your face. Firmly massaging your ears as well as your earlobes from top to bottom with the thumb and index part. Make stimulates the flow of blood to the face without causing any damage to sensitive skin. Your complexion will be updated and will appear much brighter.

Beauty Tip # 9 – Mascara is makeup that is used to darken and thicken eyelashes. Apply mascara to make your eyes more prominent and complete your look.

Beauty Tip # 10 – It’s easy to make your eyes look bigger and noticeably more open. Apply a light eye shadow color in the inner corner of the eye, after an increasingly dark tone is applied as you go further. You should apply the darker shade of the outer corner of the eye.
How to sleep beauty tips How to sleep beauty tips Reviewed by Unknown on 11:28 AM Rating: 5

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